Another day of sunshine had me throw open the windows and add ice to my coffee. That turned out to be a bad idea since it's only 52 degrees out, but I threw on a sweatshirt and some wool socks, soaked up the sun, and shivered only a little bit as I drank my cold coffee. Katherine was born on the first day of Spring last year, and I remember watching snow falling outside of the hospital window as I held her on her first day of life. Even when cold weather persists, there is something so hopeful about longer days, bits of green poking out of barren ground, and the first birthday of my daughter approaching.
Poor Thomas has had a rough time lately. A two year old's emotions are just plain tough to deal with. From what I remember with William, three was even harder. We've been dealing with lots of meltdowns lately.
Poor boy has incorrectly buttered toast. | | |
Luckily, his low lows quickly turn into even higher highs, and before I know it he's helping someone else be happy. Sweet boy wears his heart on his sleeve, and it's a blessing to know what is going on with his thoughts and feelings as he experiences them.
Most days I send him outside to be alone. This boy craves nature and I indulge his requests for fresh air whenever possible.
Fishing in a hole of muddy water |
Thanks to Lent, I have been so much more productive than I normally am! God is merciful in increasing a mother's workload a bit at a time. A new mom is taxed by a single newborn, a mom of two feels overwhelmed by being outnumbered when she's on her own, and with three little ones there is more laundry and less free time than ever. I can project in my own life how in the years to come my free time will wane, my challenges will change, but He will equip me to handle it all. Any mom is right to feel challenged by her current state of life and number of children. God's grace is sufficient, yet we constantly plead for more.
Notice the beauty of the stock photos and our own children tipping over. A few blank spots were left intentionally for a few things coming in the mail. |
Welcome to the family! |
William has become quite the author. He usually tells stories about baby animals who have lost their mothers - perfect for Springtime (baby animals - not lost mothers). He narrates, I write, he illustrates. Like most kids, his love of learning is just amazing. He often directs me how he wants to learn, and at his young age I'm happy to follow along. We often begin by reading a story or a nonfiction book about a subject he's interested in. Then he'll want to draw, write, and somehow create what we've discussed. Since his interests are simple right now, we'll head outside in search of snails, slugs, birds, chipmunks, leaves, pine cones - whatever it is we're looking for.
And that's the end.